São Paulo State Center

The SBCS is divided into Regional or State Centers, decentralizing its administration and encouraging members to participate in research and debates on regional topics. Each Center has its own board and its directors make up the SBCS Board of Directors.

When joining SBCS, the member becomes part of the Center where his area of ​​activity is located.

The administration of the Centers’ websites is the responsibility of their boards. Currently, SBCS is divided into nine Regional or State Centers.

The  SBCS São Paulo State Center  is formed by members from the state of São Paulo. Its board of directors was elected on December 18, 2020.

Youtube channel

Meet the current board of directors of the São Paulo State Center

Estêvão Vicari Mellis (evmellis@iac.sp.gov.br)
Centro de Solos do IAC/Apta/SAA
1st Deputy Director
Thiago Assis Rodrigues Nogueira
UNESP Ilha Solteira
2nd Deputy Director
Réges Heinrichs
Paulo Sérgio Pavinatto
General secretary
Célia Regina Grego
EMBRAPA Informática Agropecuária
Fiscal Council
Maurício Roberto Cherubin; João Luis Carvalho; Rogério Peres Soratto; Henrique Bellinaso; Ricardo Marques Coelho
ESALQ-USP; CNPEM; UNESP-Botucatu; SAA – EDR; Centro de Solos do IAC/Apta/SAA