O Núcleo Estadual do Paraná, da SBCS, promove, de 10 a 15 de maio de 2025, no Campus Rebouças da Universidade Federal do Paraná, em Curitiba (PR), a IX Reunião Paranaense de Ciência do Solo (RPCS). O evento terá como tema: “Diversidade, funções e usos do solo: desafios e oportunidades”.A organização está sob responsabilidade da […]
A SBCS celebrou o Dia Mundial do Solo de 2024 realizando uma live com a Sociedade Americana de Ciência do Solo (SSSA).A live, em inglês, pode ser conferida no canal da SSSA no youtube.
Cropping and soil management systems effects on soil organic matter fractions in diversified agricultural fields in the Cerrado
HIGHLIGHTS Vegetation diversity helps maintain soil quality. Soil organic matter compartmentalization can be used to evaluate agricultural systems. Water-floatable light organic matter was effective in evaluating ]soil management. ABSTRACT Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics can be significantly influenced by various cultivation practices, particularly under environmental and edaphic conditions that enhance and accelerate the transformations of […]
Cover crops influence the physical hydric quality of a tropical sandy soil under no-tillage cotton cropping
HIGHLIGHTS The results of this study suggest that from the physical properties of the soil analysed, only the PR was influenced by the use of cover crops. At the surface physical limitations due to aeration occurred with Bd > 1.65 Mg m-3, while in the subsurface it occurred with Bd > 1.70 Mg m-3. Soil […]
Drill cuttings from oil exploration improve properties of substrate and growth of Ipê-branco (Tabebuia roseoalba) seedlings
HIGHLIGHTS Substrates with drill cuttings were evaluated for forest seedlings. The addition of drill cuttings led to substrates with higher nutrient concentrations. Heavy metals concentrations in the substrates were below the toxic ranges. The seedlings’ growth and quality were improved by the addition of drill cuttings. A proportion around 2.5 and 7.5% of drill cutting […]
Critical levels and fertility classes of soils with high-activity clay in the Brazilian semi-arid region
HIGHLIGHTS Boundary line method optimizes nutrient management to obtain high agricultural yields Method based on relative yield generates five classes of interpretation of fertility P, K and Ca show concentrations adequate higher to the reference literature Disregarding the high clay activity in the semi-arid region limits the yield of crops ABSTRACT Soil fertility evaluation is […]
No início eram muito poucas. Com o tempo, as mulheres foram ganhando força e conquistando espaços também nas viagens para identificação de perfis nas Reuniões de Classificação e Correlação de Solos (RCCs).Neste ano de 2024, foram registradas 23 mulheres, quase todas nesta foto que ajuda a contar esta história de conquistas para as mulheres da […]
Potassium distribution in soil profiles under no-tillage system
HIGHLIGHTS Study reveals K accumulation in upper soil layers under no-tillage systems. Findings emphasize deep K fertilization to prevent surface runoff and erosion. We suggest revising K availability diagnosis methods for no-tillage soil systems. Highlights limited K migration, urging precise fertilization near root growth zones. ABSTRACT Potassium (K) vertical mobility in soils has often been […]
Sediment source tracing in a Brazilian subtropical catchment using diffuse reflectance: Effect of spectral ranges, pre-processing techniques, and multivariate model
HIGHLIGHTS SVM outperforms PLSR for sediment source modeling, showing higher R² and lower RMSE. SGD pre-processing significantly improves SVM models, while PLSR benefits from SNV. UV-VIS spectra were less effective for source tracing compared to NIR and MIR. Reducing sediment sources enhances model reliability and decreases uncertainties. ABSTRACT Agriculture intensification in Southern Brazil’s subtropical regions […]
Chemical and mineralogical constitution of redoximorphic features and mechanism of formation of Plinthosols from the Araguaia River plain, Brazil
HIGHLIGHTS There are gaps in the knowledge of redoximorphic features in Plinthosols. Samples of the soil matrix, mottle, and plinthite features were analyzed. The total contents of silicon, aluminum, and iron accounted for 96% in all features. Higher iron contents occurred in plinthite, followed by mottle and matrix. Mottles and plinthite were not originated by […]