This is the first edition of the SBCS Newsletter. We intend to regularly send, by email, news from our Centers, Divisions, Commissions, Executive Secretariat and facts related to soil science.
In the editorial of this first edition, we remind you that this Newsletter is circulating during a very difficult and different period for all of us with the new coronavirus pandemic. SBCS reaffirms its commitment to constantly searching for new forms of communication, just as we will find new ways to live with the changes that the pandemic will bring to us.
SBCS secretary works from home and works via WhatsApp
During this period of the pandemic, you can contact SBCS via WhatsApp! It’s very easy and allows SBCS to continue serving you normally, while preserving employee isolation.
Write down the numbers in your diary and don’t forget to identify yourself when sending your messages!
SBCS speaks out in favor of research funding with MCTIC
In March, SBCS publicly spoke out against Capes Ordinance 34/2020, which changed the criteria for distributing scholarships for postgraduate programs in the country.
In April, SBCS wrote again to Minister Marcos Pontes demanding the definition of priority programs to support basic research and requesting more dialogue between the scientific community and MCTIC in relation to defining priorities for Brazilian science for the coming years.
Also in April, SBCS responded to the call of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) and, through social media, encouraged its members to participate in the Virtual March for Science.
SBCS celebrates National Soil Conservation Day and Earth Day
To celebrate Soil Day, on April 15, SBCS asked some people who work in this area to record short videos saying what should be celebrated and what are the challenges for soil and water conservation in Brazil. The videos were published on the SBCS accounts on Facebook and Instagram and viewed by almost five thousand people, in addition to several interactions praising the initiative.
We did the same with the Earth Day celebration on April 22nd. If you haven’t seen the videos on our social media.
SBCS launches book that maps soil education initiatives in Brazil
The book is the result of the actions of Division IV (Soil, Environment and Society) of the SBCS and brings together 78 activities that were registered by the respective coordinators in the “National Database of Soil Education Initiatives”.
Launch!Reflections on scientific production
The book is a collection of 13 articles published in the SBCS Newsletter and which had professor Victor Hugo Alvarez V. (UFV) as the first author. The themes revolve around statistics, experimental techniques and the zeal for good and necessary rigor in the use of variables, values and units. Its scope goes beyond soil science because it deals with science in its very nature and forms of expression through numbers and equations!
The launch price, until June 30th, will be R$41.00 for members and R$49.00 for non-members.
More information and sales at the SBCS virtual store or via WhatsApp (31) 3612-4542
Pandemic postpones SBCS events
The difficulties brought about by the need for social distancing and the lack of perspectives on the outcome of the pandemic led SBCS to postpone the events scheduled for 2020.
Acts of the SBCS presidency
Check out the acts produced and signed by President Lúcia Anjos, using her legal powers in 2019. The objective is to provide transparency to the acts of the presidency, all of them supported by the SBCS Statute.
Article Earth: conserve to (survive)
In the month of April, we celebrate two important dates for soil science: National Soil Conservation Day, April 15th, and Earth Day on April 22nd.
We asked professor Maria Leonor Lopes Assad, from the Federal University of São Carlos, to reflect on the dates amid the coronavirus pandemic.
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