SBCS live season opens in 2021
After the success of the lives, promoted last year, SBCS opened the 2021 season talking about Soil Biology. The live was promoted by Division 2 of the SBCS on April 13th. SBCS is also supporting lives promoted by Regional Centers and on soil science topics through dissemination in its media. Our lives already have thousands of views and can be watched on our YouTube channel.
SBCS and Embrapa present proposal from PronaSolos University
The president of SBCS, Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ) has participated, together with Embrapa, in virtual meetings to present the PronaSolos University proposal for training and qualification in soils and related topics. Training in soils is one of the objectives of the PronaSolos Program and will be conducted mainly by SBCS and Brazilian universities that have postgraduate programs in Soils and related areas in Agricultural Sciences with support from partner institutions.
SBCS Campaigns
SBCS is always promoting awareness campaigns for members and friends on our social media. This quarter, we talk about the challenges of girls and women in science, about the importance of the National Development Fund for Science and Technology (FNDCT), about the valorization of science against denialism, we encourage Scientific Dissemination in the celebration of World Health Day Solo and we encourage prevention standards against Covid-19. Want to know more, follow us on Facebook, You Tube and Instagram (sbcs.solos)
The Voice of the Invisible in Society and Academia was the theme of the X Brazilian Symposium on Soil Education
The Northeast Center of SBCS promoted, between the 2nd and 5th of March. The X Brazilian Symposium on Soil Education (SBES). The event was organized by the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (Univasf), in partnership with the Federal Institute Baiano (IF Baiano) and the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC). The Symposium’s central theme was “The Voice of the Invisible in Society and Academia” and its objective was to draw the population’s attention to the need to preserve soil, which “is at the center of life on the planet”.
Want to know more about arbuscular mycorrhizae?
The book, in e-book format, represents an accessible source of various techniques and procedures for the study of arbuscular mycorrhizae and is indispensable for undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers or simply lovers of this fantastic symbiosis. The e-book was launched by the Eastern Regional Center of SBCS and was organized by the team at the Laboratory of Mycorrhizal Associations (LAMIC-UFV), coordinated by professor Maria Catarina Kasuya.
Northeast Regional Center promotes the 1st Northeastern Soil Biology Seminar
The Northeast Regional Center promoted, on April 16th and 17th, the 1st Northeastern Soil Biology Seminar. The event was held by the UFC Postgraduate Program in Soil Science under the theme “Ecology and Biotechnological Applications”. The Seminar was completely online and free, attracting more than 1400 registrants from 13 countries and more than 40 public and private institutions. The event was part of the celebrations of National Soil Conservation Day, celebrated on April 15th.Know more.
Núcleo Noroeste promotes 1st Workshop on Priority Agroforestry Production Chains in the Amazon
The event was promoted between April 26th and 30th by the Núcleo Regional Noroeste and brought together 1,383 participants, who were able to follow an intense program, made up of 66 activities and 112 guests to address the complexities of land use and landscapes in the Amazon.
And follow the wind schedule on this YouTube channel.
Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative
Brazilian soil science stood out at the event promoted virtually by FAO in partnership with the Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI) and the Science-Policy Interface of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (SPI UNCCD), between April 19th and 23rd. The event aimed to fill critical knowledge gaps, identify scalable solutions to global challenges through increased soil biodiversity, and promote discussion among policymakers, food producers, scientists, professionals and other stakeholders on solutions to live in harmony with the nature.
Soil science loses Itamar Andrioli
Soil science received, with great sadness, the news of the death of Itamar Andrioli, professor in the Department of Agricultural Production Sciences at UNESP-Jaboticabal campus since 1980. His death occurred on May 10th. Born in Ibitiúva-SP, Itamar Andrioli was part of an important generation of Brazilian pedologists. He contributed to the training of more than two thousand young soil scientists and managers of the new generation spread across Brazil and the world.
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