Gallery of Honorees

The SBCS Statute provides for the distinction and tribute to outstanding people in Soil Science in Brazil. For this, there is a special category of honorary members, in addition to the awarding of the Antonio Carlos Moniz Award.

On this page, you will see the gallery of all those honored by SBCS. By clicking on the names, you can learn a little more about them.


Honorary Members

The category of Honorary Member symbolizes SBCS’s tribute and recognition to people who have contributed notably to the development of Soil Science in Brazil.

Honorary members are nominated to the Executive Secretariat by at least one third of the members of the Director Councilor, or by the boards of two Specialized Divisions of the SBCS or three Regional or State Centers, or by a group of 30 (thirty) full members .

The nomination is submitted for approval by the SBCS Board of Directors. Once approved, the name of the Honorary Member is presented to the General Assembly for tribute purposes.

Meet the Honorary Members of SBCS

Egon Klamt

José Mário Braga

Bernardo Van Raij

Guido Ranzanni

Francisco da Costa Verdade

Johoanna Döoberreiner

Euripedes Malavolta

Victor Hugo Alvarez

José Emílio Gonçalves Araújo

Luiz Bezerra de Oliveira

Raymundo Fonseca Souza

Johoanna Marcelo Nunes Camargo

Antonio Carlos Moniz Award

As a distinction for some members, SBCS also honors, every two years, during the Brazilian Soil Science Congresses, a single professional who has, throughout his scientific life, contributed extraordinarily to the advancement of science or technology in Brazilian soil science. For the SBCS award, professionals who are still alive, inactive or active in research and/or teaching institutions and/or rural extension and/or private companies, who have developed work in the various sub-areas of soil science, with relevant contribution to the country.

The award consists of a Diploma relating to the award and an Antônio Carlos Moniz Medal for Merit in Soil Science.

Meet the winners of the Antonio Carlos Moniz Award

Meritorious Members

The previous Statute of the SBCS also provided for the category of Meritorious Members. This category no longer exists in the current Statute, but the SBCS still considers those who were defined in the previous period as meritorious members.

The award consists of a Diploma relating to the award and an Antônio Carlos Moniz Medal for Merit in Soil Science.

Francisco Grohmann

Paulo Tito Klinger Jacomine

João Bertoldo de Oliveira

Raphael David dos Santos

Luiz Freitas

Mauro Resende

Murillo Pundek