III SNBS – Northeast Symposium on Soil Biology

Start: April 12 @ 08:00
End: April 13 @ 17:00

Online Location

Northeast Regional Center


June 2024

FertBrasil Congress

Start: June 11 @ 08:00
End: June 13 @ 17:00

Expo Dom Pedro – Campinas-SP
Avenida Guilherme Campos, 500 – Bloco II, Jardim Santa Genebra
Campinas, São Paulo 13087-901 Brazil
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SBCS Organizer

July 2024

VIII Midwest Soil Science Meeting

Soil Science in adapting agricultural systems to climate change

Start: July 10 @ 08:00
End: July 12 @ 17:00


Convention Center Architect Rubens Gil de Camillo – Av. Waldir dos Santos Pereira, s/n – Parque dos Poderes Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul 79031-330 Brazil
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Central West Regional Center

XXI Brazilian Soil and Water Management and Conservation Meeting (RBMCSA) and VIII Minas Gerais Soil Science Symposium (SMCS)
XXI Brazilian Soil and Water Management and Conservation Meeting (RBMCSA) and VIII Minas Gerais Soil Science Symposium (SMCS)
The scientific and technological discussion on soil and water management and conservation in mountain agriculture areas (AMo) is important for several reasons, namely: (i) environmental vulnerability; (ii) water supply; (iii) biodiversity conservation; (vi) climate change; (vii) economy and food security; (viii) agricultural productivity; (ix) long-term sustainability; (x) knowledge transfer; (xi) public policies; and (xii) International collaboration. In Brazil, AMo areas can be found in all regions of the country: south-southeast – Serras da Mantiqueira (SP, MG and RJ), Mar (SP, RJ, PR and SC); Geral (RS and SC) and Espinhaço (MG); northeast – Ibiapaba mountains (CE and PI), Espinhaço (BA), Sincorá (BA), Gavião river (BA) and Timbó (BA) and Agreste Pernambucano (PI) and Chapada da Diamantina (BA); mid-west – Chapadas dos Veadeiros (GO), Guimarães (MT) and Parecis (MT); and north: Serras do Carajás (PA), Canga (PA), Cachimbo (PA), Divisor (AC), Cachoeira (AC); Arrack? (AM) and Tepenquém (RR). The XXI RBMCSA and the VII SMCS aim to be a forum for discussing the main problems and potential alternatives and strategies, bringing together people from research, extension and teaching, whether from governmental, non-governmental and associated private institutions and all regions of Brazil. This will be an opportunity for targeted discussion in a production environment not previously addressed, whether in Brazil or even in other countries. International dissemination outside Brazil will be carried out as international collaboration is one of the propositions of these events. Workshops/round tables with specific themes for each of the reasons identified as necessary will be organized, aiming to seek plausible solutions that can be transformed into attitudes on a local, regional and national scale. The identification of those involved in each of these workshops will also be worked on so that the objectives are met in an integrated manner.

Start: July 28 @ 08:30
End: August 3 @ 17:00

Federal University of Vicosa – Viçosa-MG
Av Peter Henry Rolfs, UFV Campus, Centro
Viçosa, Minas Gerais 36570900 Brazil
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Eastern Regional Center Organizer

October 2024

XV RCC – Amazon Valley (AM-PA)

Start: October 18 @ 08:00
End: October 26 @ 17:00

Amazonas and Pará

Embrapa Solos Organizer

March 2025

XVI RCC – Bahia

Start: 07/03/2025 @ 08:00
End: 15/03/2025 @ 17:00


SBCS Organizer

July 2025

XXXIV Brazilian Soil Science Congress

Start: 07/20/2025 @ 08:00
End: 07/25/2025 @ 17:00

São Luiz, Maranhão, Brazil

SBCS Organizer