Paulo Leonal Libardi
At 76 years old and about to complete 50 years of professional life dedicated to soil science, professor Paulo Leonal Libardi received, during the opening ceremony of the XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Soil Science, on July 30, 2023, the Antonio Carlos medal Moniz of Merit in Soil Science.
Professor at the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture at Esalq/USP, Paulo Leonal Libardi built a solid career as a researcher and advisor in the area of Soil Physics, becoming an international reference in Water Dynamics and Soil Solutes. He is one of the articles that served as a reference for the advancement of this area, in 1980 and the book “Dinâmica de Água no Solo”, winner of the Jabuti Prize in 2006.
Paulo Libardi has more than 180 articles and five books published, in addition to chapters of other reference books. Recognized for his generosity and sensitivity, he guided more than 70 postgraduate students, training researchers who work in various research institutions in the country. Always promoting Soil Physics, he remains active as a teacher and speaker at scientific events.
Professor Libarbi’s nomination for this, which is SBCS’s highest honor, was made by the Department of Soil Science at Esalq/USP and supported by the Northeast, East, Eastern Amazon, Central-West, São Paulo State Regional Centers and several educational institutions and research across the country. All letters of support highlight its importance to research and the training of researchers.
At the ceremony, Professor Libardi thanked all the people who made it possible for him to be nominated for such an important distinction.